The astrology of spiritual awakening, a case study part I

Unfortunately astrology has been confined to the outskirts of conscious awareness.  We live in a world where anything that is of any real value and has the ability to shift our consciousness for the better is marginalised and made fun of.  Astrology is a science and is the oldest science on this planet  and great thinkers over the many centuries have studied this science worldwide.  Astrology is a great tool and if you would like to understand ascension and the shift of consciousness from 3-D to 5-D then a study into astrology will help you greatly.  In parts I & II of my ascension nightmare and how I got to where I am now posts I discussed my experience of a kundalini release and how it all works in the wider scheme of things.  In this post I discuss the astrology of ascension using my own chart as a case study.

One of the best works I’ve read so far that addresses the issue of kundalini and astrology is Barbara Hand Clow’s Liquid, Light, Sex: Kundalini, Astrology, and the Key Life Transitions.  In this work Barbara Hand Clow embarks on a great journey explaining how the time clock of astrology signals our mid-life crises transits which take place to transform us, and not just make our lives fall apart, which is what most mid-life transits actually feel like.  The key to any transition is the release of kundalini energy and for better or worst its purpose is to make us face ourselves and evolve into higher levels of consciousness.  Throughout the book Barabara focuses her attention on the planets Uranus, Saturn and Pluto and Asteroid Chiron as major triggers for releasing the kundalini.   Barbara’s work could go into the astrology of ascension even more directly, I believe she is more than equipped to do this but may have resisted to avoid scaring off more mainstream readers.  However, the undertones of ascension are definitely there.  Yet many of us are having kundalini releases and we haven’t reached our forties or fifties so what shadowy figure in the astrological world is responsible for this?

At the moment I can only use myself as a case study, but this area certainly does call for some further research.  I would say officially that my kundalini released itself in August 2007.  I was 35 and experiencing an approaching square of Pluto to my natal Pluto which is at 29 Virgo. Most astrologers without a doubt give the Pluto square Pluto transit more credit as a great life transforming transit and and believe it to be more potent and volatile than the saturn return.  My ascendant is at 26 Sagittarius and my moon is at 27 Sagittaurius both being tightly conjunct.  Since 1995 I had been hosting Pluto in my 12th house which helps to explain the cleansing theme of hynoptherapy and counselling I underwent starting in 2003 as it began to get close to my ascendant and moon.  Pluto in my 12th house brought out all of my fears and painful memories and for years I battlled with anxiety and insomnia beginning in 1999 until I couldn’t take it any longer and decided to reach out for help in 2003.  As my ascendant and moon are at 26  and 27 degrees Sagittarius they are both conjunct the Galactic Centre, a mystical black hole in the centre of the Milky Way.  In 2006- 2007 Pluto exactly conjuncted the Galactic Centre for the first time in 250 years which was seen as a monumental event in astrological terms.  We all held our breaths and wondered what message would come as Pluto crossed this sensitive point and began its entry into Capricorn.

As a late Sagittarius rising individual Pluto conjuncting my ascendant and Moon stirred and dislodged great energies inside of me which brought on my kundalini release.  Something big was definitely happening in my life.  Pluto crossing the ascendant is always a big deal and you and your life are never the same.  But as my moon and ascendant and natal Pluto were all being touched and triggered by the transformative and destructive energies of Pluto, lord of the underworld, something deep inside of me certainly was unleashed.  Coupled with the energy of the Galactic Centre which I was born with natally I felt like someone had plugged me into an electrical outlet and left my to fry.  I was baking in full on cosmic energies directly from the central sun, the Galactic Centre, for many months and when Jupiter joined the party with Pluto in September 2007 it expanded all of the energies that were charging through my body. 

It is said that a life changing transit can be read in many ways in the astrological chart.  In my progressed chart looking at the solar arc progressions my SA Midheaven was conjunct my natal neptune which is at 3 Sagittarius. My SA Pluto was conjunct my natal Midheaven at 0 Scorpio, my SA Neptune was conjunct my natal Jupiter which is at 6 Capricorn.  Jupiter is also my chart ruler.  And my solar arc Ascendant had just changed signs and was at 0 Aquarius.  Noel Tyl who is credited with educating the astrological community about solar arcs says that when either the solar arc midheaven and natal Neptune or vice versa make a conjunction or when the solar arc Neptune hits an angle an ego wipeout usually occurs.  Spiritual awakening and transcendence also takes place but one cannot occur without the the other.

I certainly did experience an ego wipeout and because of this my consciousness opened up fully allowing me to awaken spiritually with little choice.  Without a doubt the trigger for me was the planet Pluto, and what followed was definitely a Plutonic tale as the building blocks in my life fell in a domino effect in a blink of an eye.  In part II I will discuss how Pluto completely transformed my life taking me to where I am now.

Valentine St Aubyn

My ascension nightmare and how I got to where I am now Part II

Depiction of the pineal gland as a pine cone. Note the snakes rising around the spinal cord moving up towards the pineal gland in the brain.

Well, the new energies have certainly been hitting me in big ways.  November so far has been quite a transitional month  and not an easy one for me and with it I have been battling with a new round of ascension symptoms.  However, today I am feeling better and I would like to continue with the second part of my post.  If you have not read ‘My ascension nightmare and how I got to where I am Part I’ you may want to drop in and read this first.  For those of you who have here is part II.

So, let us rewind for just a minute and I will take you back a few years before we move on to the summer of 2007.  In the last post I described to you my account and experience of a kundalini release.  It wasn’t pretty and it completely uprooted every area of my life.  As the planet is ascending the vibration of the planet is lifting due to the influx of energies being pumped into the universe.  Many of us whether we are into new age spirituality or not are feeling some very strange side effects.  Anxiety is the most common effect people are experiencing which brings on intense fear, we feel this because we are being forced to face ourselves and get to the root of our behaviourial patterns that do not serve our highest good.  When my anxiety was at its worst my hands and body constantly shook and I would often hide my hands out of sheer embarrassment.   It is becoming more common for people to experience spontaneous kundalini releases without even having to try, however, I do believe you will go through some physical preparations such as extreme anxiety and  insomnia as the body prepares itself.  Nevertheless, even if someone has had a kundalini release not everyone will experience what I have previously described.  When my husband experienced his kundalini release, he developed kundalini flu which brought on alot of pain in his crown chakra and he felt like he was on fire for about 24 hours and then he got better.  After that, it was over.  He developed the ringing in his ears soon after but did not got the loud siren effects like I did.

So why was my kundalini release so difficult?  This I do not know, and I am still trying to find the answers as there is so much to learn with all of this.  If you read Karen Bishop’s account of her awakening or Lisa Renee they too discuss a not so pleasant experience.   But, I do believe some of us will experience very strange symptoms as our kundalini releases and our pineal glands get activated.

I will say that I do not believe that my kundalini release was as spontaneous as I first believed. When I begin to look at the progression I went through I noticed a big change in myself towards the end of 1999 going into 2000. During this time I began experiencing extreme anxiety.  I was constantly anxious, I could not sleep, I had constant panic attacks and I became more and more nervous as the years went on.  From 2001-2003 I wrote Zoe Evans’ Possible Worlds the Crystal which acted as a great cathartic escape for me.   I  found myself channelling content for the book that I did not fully understand until my kundalini release and spiritual awakening years later.  By 2003, I realised that I needed help and so I went to see a hypnotherapist.  I did intense clearing work from 2003 until 2006 reliving all of the not so happy memories of my past and clearing them from my energy field.   I began to feel better but the panic attacks still lingered as did the insomnia.  My hypnotherapist suggested that I meditate on a regular basis which would help to calm my nerves.  So I did, I meditated for about 20 minutes three to four times a week from 2003 until 2007.  So when my kundalini released in the summer of 2007  I was catapulted into extreme anxiety once again and psychosis which I had never experienced before and I was completely shocked.  I had been doing so much work on myself, clearing and releasing so why was this happening to me?

chakraconesAs in the Matrix when Neo is faced with the choice of taking the blue or the red pill Kundalini release, ascension, spiritual awakening, however you would like to describe the process will without a doubt shatter your current perceptions about everything.  As my body cleared away all of the junk and debris of my past including any negative karmic patterns within my auric field, I was ready to be activated by the new energies that were being pumped into the solar system.  I had lifted my vibration to such a level that these new energies vibrated within my DNA which signalled it was time for activation.  The kundalini energy in my body and my pineal gland began to go to work.  The ancients have always known about the power of the pineal gland or third eye. So have the Vatican  and the masonic orders wich is a scary thought.  To gain higher levels of consciousness it is necessary for the pineal gland to be activated as it controls the the third eye.   The pineal gland is within the brain and effects what is perceived through the physical eyes and the senses.  It is the bridge and regulates awareness between the physical and spiritual worlds.  When the pineal gland is activated your perceptions and programming change. It is the gateway to higher knowledge and opening to the psychic realms.

When the pineal gland is activated a numbing sensation, or heaviness is felt in the base of the brain when you feel this know that great things are happening.  You will also feel the pouring of energy coming through the top of your head through the crown chakra as it activates the pineal gland, and you will get a buzzing or ringing in the ear as the energies swirl around.  Sometimes the sound can be loud and sometimes it is soft but it is best described as white noise.

So when my kundalini released my body became a christmas tree lit up with electrical currents running through all of  its channels.  I could no longer be the person I was it was time to change.  From August 2007 until January 2008 I went through an accelerated learning curve spiritually. I wanted to learn as much as I could and information came flying at me from every direction.  I was in constant pain as my crown chakra took in all of the new light and energy and I felt like an outsider from the 3-D world as my pineal gland had been activated and everything around me looked strange visually.  The ringing in my ears was loud but began to get quieter as the months went by.  I have always been into spirtual and metaphysical subjects, I have a degree in Philosophy, and I found a couple of books on my bookshelf on healing using crystals.  I could not remeber buying these books but nevertheless they were there.  I also found a book I had on healing using natural remedies such as flower remedies and decided to heal myself as my doctor was of no help whatsoever.    His answer to my health problems was to put me on anti-depressants which I flatly refused.   I also had a couple of sessions of acupuncture that helped me tremendously and the visual problems I had of everything looking flat and blurry eased with each session as my third eye began to reopen fully.  Everything around me looked different when I regained my vision it was if a new sense of vision was given to me.  I finally began to sleep better by November 2007 with the aid of prescription sleeping pills but I would only sleep for about 2 hours and then lay awake for another 2 hours this would go on all through the night every night for months.  My body was being downloaded with energy, information, light and I would lay in bed and feel my whole body literally shake and vibrate as the kundalini moved up, down and through my chakra system.  I was constantly hot and at night sweat would drop off of me and strangely I began to see number sequences such as 11:11, 9:11, 5:55, and on and on flashing on the clock.  In December 2007 I experienced the phantom death phase, I literally felt myself die.  I said good-bye to my husband expecting to physically die as I felt myself completely detaching from 3-d reality.  I did not die, but I certainly did not return to the old 3-D world I was born into.

I did not learn what had truly happened to me until January 2008 when I stumbled upon a channeling from Kryon and a spiritual forum that helped me greatly, and then I realised there was a whole community of people going through the same thing as me.  What a relief, I hadn’t been going crazy I was just experiencing a spiritual awakening.

In part III I will discuss the astrology of my kundalini release and spiritual awakening, as my whole life began to fall apart.

Valentine St Aubyn

My ascension nightmare and how I got to where I am now Part I

Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning either “coiled up” or “coiling like a snake.” There are a number of other translations of the term usually emphasizing a more serpent nature to the word – e.g. ‘serpent power’

This is my first attempt to discuss the shocking changes my body
encountered beginning in August 2007.  At the time and for several months after I did not know what was happening to me and I did not begin to learn that I had experienced a kundalini release until early 2008.  If you search the web you will find a great amount of content relating to kundalini.  It is a term widely available within new age spiritual circles and is no longer the secret that it once was, that is in these circles.  The sad reality is that the experience of kundalini is a big part of human consciouness and the astrological timing of kundalini events are often triggered by generational aspects that we all go through ie. midlife crisis, menopause for women etc.  So, why do we not know more about it as our bodies naturally have a time clock to signal the kundalini release?  David Wilcock has given a very good lecture about this very subject and shows that the Vatican is  aware of the power of kundalini and has for centuries kept the mystical side of their interests secret yet parading it through symbolism in our faces.  As usual, there are many in the know that do not want us to know but with more of us now experiencing kundalini experiences at a younger age the cat is beginning to get out of the bag.

In times past it was said that kundalini awakening, that is the release of the kundalini energy, takes place when a soul is ready to be initiated.  A certain level of spiritual maturation needs to be in place to allow the energy to uncoil itself and begin its ascent through the body to begin the process of cleansing all of the chakra centres over and over.  Spiritual maturation  usually occurs in the mid forties to early fifties which takes place just when an individual is beginning to learn that there is more to life than what they have traditionally been taught.  But now as the human race begins its journey towards the new energies of the Aquarian Age spiritual maturation is happening at a faster and younger rate.  In addition, the energies that are being pumped into our solar system have been unconsciously releasing kundalini in many people whether they are ready for it or not hence producing what is commonly termed as ascension symptoms.

It has now been over two years since the kundalini energy uncoiled and released itself in my body and my life has been turned upside down and all around. A Kundalini release is often described as spiritual bliss and a journey of becoming one with the universe.  Unfortunately for me I did not feel any spiritual bliss just sheer terror because I didn’t know what had happened to me. 

My Kundalini Release

It was the 17th August 2007.  It began with me becoming short of breath and feeling extremely unbalanced and then within a second I felt like I was outside of reality looking in.  It felt like someone had turned me and everything around me inside out.  I was frightened and I didn’t know what to do.  At work I had been experiencing severe bullying by a manager I had worked for,  and at first I thought I had an anxiety attack due to all of the stress I was undergoing but I soon realised this was not an anxiety attack this was something else.  I was not in any state to go to work I could barely stand, and within 24 hours I had become a nervous wreck.  I couldn’t sleep at all not even for an hour.  I felt like someone had plugged me into an electrical outlet and left me to fry.  After the first couple of days of being in this state I finally got a sinking feeling that something was wrong and that I would never be the same again, little did I know just how true that was.  

After a few days I began to get a loud ringing in my head which was constant.  The sound was similar to a loud buzzing sound that had a high pitch to it.  It was very loud and unnerving.  My head also hurt and it was beyond any headache I had ever experienced I was just in extreme pain.  And just when I believed that things couldn’t get worst my vision  became extremely blurred.  I could barely see and visually everything looked flattened and I felt like I was trapped in a hellish nightmare.  I am one of those annoying people who are always cold.  I have always had naturally cold hands and feet so when I began feeling constantly hot and sweating I realised that I was not myself at all.  My insomina also kicked into high gear and I have suffered with it very badly throughout my adult life.  I stopped sleeping completely, I couldn’t sleep I was hot, my head felt like it was going to explode as it was being bombarded with prickly energy and I felt incredibly anxious.  I was also frightened because I was no longer in the space and time I knew.  Within a week I became a ghostly shell of myself.  I had to go on sick leave from work because I could not function.  By the end of the second week I knew I needed help badly but I didn’t know who or where I could go. 

In part II I will discuss how I managed to balance out my body and survive my kundalini release putting me on a new journey of self discovery.

Valentine St Aubyn

The Lightworkers strike back, life after transmuting darkness and living to tell the story

Star WarsMany of us have been fighting with the ‘dark forces’ for quite a few years now.  What has been so great about the 09.09.09 portal was that it marked a definitive ending in many of our lives.  Our roles of having to wield our lightsabers and put some of the darker and lower vibrating souls into check finally came to an abrupt end with the new energies of the Summer Solstice in June 2009. Well, it did for me and trust me I have had to endure some pretty heavy battles recently and I still have the wounds to show for it.  I would urge you to read a great article from Denise Le Fay, ‘My Lightworker Strike,’  as she so poignanty articulated the frustrations that many of us have been battling with and just how fed up we had become.    

2007-09 had been a particularly difficult period for me because as the new energies started to come in at a faster pace I no longer had the support to win my battles and I was often pushed out of my jobs feeling defeated, fatigued and deflated.  For family and friends around me they often saw my professional life as very chaotic, and they probably saw me as a victim.  It was often in work situations that I had to battle with the darker energies and I often felt like a Jedi knight working her magic to fight the evil powers, or at least those in control.  But the truth is I was being pushed out and no longer supported because it was time to leave the old world behind as I was no longer needed.  Those roles and jobs no longer mattered because something better would be on the horizon for me and now finally the darkness has begun to clear.  

I understand that many of us moving into the new world are on different timelines, so some of you may be dealing with what a few of us lightworkers have had to painfully endure for many years.  And if you are please know that you are always supported and that although the road looks dark there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Know that the time will come when you will be released from this role and move on to much safer ground while someone else takes your place.  And this is the process of the new earth having a steady plan to transmute the dark.  In different stages we help move this planet to the new energies of the Aquarius Age where we can finally get to business creating the new. 

It has often been noted that Lightworkers are commonly born into dysfunctional families which gives them low self-esteem.  This is particularly true for alot of the older Indigos including myself.  We have had to spend a great part of our lives learning how to be confident and finding a niche for ourselves in a very unfriendly world.  I have come across younger generation Indigos and I find that they are very confident and they know exactly what they want to do and do not like you telling them how to do it.  I find them to be extremely remarkable and intelligent and if this is the evolution of the human race then this planet is about to get shaken and stirred like it hasn’t been before.  Nevertheless, as we wait for the younger Indigo warriors to become of age and start moving into the mainstream many of us have had the task of keeping the wolves at bay which has been extremely tiring and difficult for us older sensitive souls.  Transmuting the dark takes place on many levels and many of us have and still are experiencing illness as we fight to balance energies within and without.  So thank goodness for the new energies of 09.09.09.  The energies arrived closing a heavy door in my life and I am enjoying the peace and tranquility that is now around me.  Oh yes I still suffer with tiredness, numbing headaches and more but I no longer have to sit in negative energies with negative people, what a relief.  There is still alot more work to do and I still have to find my feet in this new world.  There is the frustration of not being able to manifest everything I need in my life and of course this has its own problems but now that I am no longer having to battle the dark of the old world life  is so much more enjoyable.  So for anyone who feels like giving up or thinks that no one else understands what you are experiencing please know that you are not alone on this journey.

Valentine St Aubyn