Releasing the old 3D world and accelerating into 5D consciousness is hard work

There is no doubt that we are living in precarious times.  I often ask people that I know if they actually believe we are still living in the same world we were born into.  I often get a strange look but it’s not an odd question it just depends on the consciousness ladder you are residing on.  I have come to the conclusion that experiencing ascension is a strange ride.  When I listen to others who describe their kundalini awakening as a blissful moment full of love I have no idea what they are talking about.  My kundalini awakening was painful and brought on psychosis and soon after my life collasped and is still collasping as we speak.  I have previously written about my own experience of kundalini awakening in older posts so if you are experiencing this right now please look through the archives. 

 This phenomena which is being labelled ascension is meant to release you from the old level of consciousness you were born into and transform you into the true powerful being you truly are.  This in itself is fantastic I can’t tell you how much more clued in I am now since my kundalini kicked off which is a great gift.  I have also become more focused and eager to live my true purpose.  A few years ago I would not have had the confidence to be writing this blog.  But in the same breath I have become marginalised from friends and family and I often find myself alone as very few can relate to me as I have shifted and raised my vibration so much that I no longer resonate with the majority of those around me.  This is one of the biggest indicators that suggest you are leaving the old 3D world behind.  Everything that was created there has to be pruned, released and reborn.  This is not an easy journey there is alot of loss that is involved.  There is plenty of information about the shift of consciousness coming to this planet and when we look at what is happening in our world the collaspe is very evident.  It is a moderately slow collaspe not everything is disappearing all at the same time but the intensity is certainly gathering momentum.  And just as in the macro in the micro we are experiencing these shifts and changes in our own lives too.  Part of the old framework is still there but the background is shifting and changing. 

Although I am more than happy to leave the old 3D world behind I do wonder if the 5D ‘new’ earth will be a better place.  At the moment very few of us are there on a regular basis.  We are sort of in limbo probably popping in and out as we still have to have regular contact with the old ways.  Also, there is so much division and deception within the new age community that I’m of the belief that there is still a long road to travel down.  I can’t tell you just how much junk is out there at the moment and I as many others have fallen prey to it from time to time.  There are so many self proclaimed gurus telling us how we should feel and what is what, and to me this is disappointing.  I have always loved the metaphysical world from an early age but just as everything else is collasping to be reborn I would say that this area is not immune.  It too needs to be cleared out so that the new and genuine can be born in its place.

So, I imagine at least for the time being that the new 5D earth will still have some hurdles to overcome as we slowly make the shif towards this new consciousness.  For each of us that which is no longer working for us is currently being taken away whether we like it or not inorder for us to move forward.  Relationships are breaking down, friendships ending and money, well, that’s a whole other subject but let’s be honest it’s pretty non-existent for those of us currently making this shift.  How many of us have even managed to keep a roof over our heads in the last few years is a miracle to say the least.  It’s been a very difficult time for many.

Yes making this shift of consciousness is hardwork.  It is tiring physically and mentally.  The aches, the pains, the tears,  the disappointments.  Cleaning out the soul in order to shift vibrationally is not just about feeling at peace with oneself there are also some distressing moments that need to be embraced, understood and resolved.  And this is part of the true journey. We must learn to assimilate the light and dark within us.  Some days the dark wins and other days the light.  We are humans and these qualities exist within us equally.  So, don’t feel bad if you are not shifting to 5D consciousness peacefully.  Some days I go kicking and screaming, other days with pain in my heart.  This is hard work and there are many out there who do not understand what we are going through.  They are not into this and probably never will be.  It still doesn’t stop the fact that this is happening and they too are shifting even if  they do not realise it, so keep your head up and feel with your heart.  That which does not resonate with you does not have to become part of your belief system or be embraced by you. 


Planetary Ascension Symptoms

I know I have been feeling alot of pressure in my crown chakra area along with a few other niggles here and there and if I am then others are too. So I thought I’d present an article directly focused on Ascension symptoms as the energies are currently very heavy at the moment and with the upcoming cardinal cross in August these energies will continue to build.  If you do a web search you will find plenty of information on ascension symptoms, but I feel it always helps getting another perspective from someone else.  We do not have to suffer alone, even though sometimes it feels like we are but many of us are suffering with the same symptoms. I have decided to rename the term at least for my own reference as I feel the common term Ascension symptoms conjures up images of the rapture and may be a bit unapproachable for those who are new to all of this. 

There is plenty of information on the web and in books that discuss the times we are now in.  To recap we are no longer on the timeline for death and destruction which had been prophesied by so many.  Anilihation was very much on the cards for the human race but this has now all changed. In its place a new timeline has emerged with new beginnings allowing a new consciousness not seen for many ages to perservere on our planet.  This new age is termed the Age of Aquarius.  A move towards more balance in our society is very real.  Many of the changes we are seeing in our financial systems on a global scale are only confirming that the old ways are no longer being permitted.  We will continue to see the destruction of old systems whether they be financial or political at an alarming rate so in a sense we are still very much only at the beginning of a great change to come.

This is due to the new arrival of energy entering our Earth through high level frequencies being carried by solar storms.  The energy of the solar storms carries with it new coded information that work with Earth’s magnetics.  Alot of research has been done on the shift of Earth’s magnetosphere in the last few years as it has shifted quite dramatically.  The Earth also has a new spin again this has been researched and well documented and since 2004 this has become ever more prevalent. Many of the lightworker family have also been working whether consciously or unconsciously to help raise the vibration of the planet  which over the years has taken its toll on many of us.  For some we have now been released from this, while others take our place fighting the dark and helping to raise the vibration of the planet.

One of the first symptoms I feel impoortant to note is the raising of your kundalini. From this point many of the symptoms you face will be related to this shift of energetics that takes place in the body.  In one of my articles I discuss my own experience when my kundalini began to awake.  I won’t review the story here but suffice is to say I had no idea what was going on with me. Kundalini awakenings are like alarm clocks going off in the DNA signalling that it is time for the body to make a shift.  Many of us are experiencing spontaneous kundalini awakenings which is unprecendented.  You are not alone in this. Kundalini awakenings for some create great anxiety in the body and I believe anxiety plays very much into the release of kundalini. I was an anxiety wreck for years before my kundalini even released and once it did for another year or so I suffered very badly with anxiety and panic attacks.  Then one day suddenly the anxiety disappeared and I began to be calm. My body felt as if it had been cleared of a great weight and I literally felt lighter.  A good reliever of anxiety is hynoptherapy this will help you to clear your emotional body and get rid of the fears and blockages that you are being forced to face. It will also help you control the anxiety and panic attacks. It may not relieve these symptoms completely but it will offer much needed assistance without having to take mainstream medications.

Of course feelings of anxiety will bring on interrupted sleep and sleeping problems are very much a symptom of ascension related problems.  Only a few years ago I was barely sleeping and when I did I would sleep for 2-3 hours at a time and then wake up.  I went through a long cycle where I would take an eternity to fall asleep then wake up at 3.00am and stay awake for the rest of the night.  These type of sleep cycles are quite common and again you are not alone even though it feels like it in the dead of night.

Feeling extremely hot and extremely cold.  Again unusual feelings of heat will rise through the body when your kundalini releases.  You can feel extremely hot one minute and extremely cold an hour later.  A common side affect of rising kundalini is ascension flu. This is extreme heat where you feel you are burning from the inside and your crown chakra hurts immensely.  When you experience this know that you are releasing a large amount of toxins and karmic baggage.  When you experience ascension flu it usually lasts for 24 to 48 hours. If you try to go to a doctor no doubt they will not understand what you are talking about.

Body convulsions.  The first year my kundalini released I would literally wake up after feeling like an earthquake had moved through my body.  I had never had anything like this happen to me before but my whole body would literally vibrate and shake.  Again it is the kundalini energy releasing and moving throughout the body cleansing the chakras.

Feeling like you are wired and out of your body. I suffered very badly with this when my kundalini first activated.  I literally felt as if I was hovering outside of my body for months before I began to feel grounded in my body once again.  When the energies are very heavy and pounding this feeling becomes very difficult for me. I always know when new energies have arrived as this feeling is a great indicator.  When I feel this way I centre myself and tell myself to relax as it will pass.  It is a strange feeling and there is no easy way around it.  Again it is just the physical body adjusting to the frequency of energies and most likely our lightbodies bouncing between dimensions.

Phantom death.  There is not alot of information on the internet about phantom deaths but I am sure they are on the rise.  This is not a real death but when you experience this it is as if the door closes on the life you once knew and you feel yourself moving into a new reality.  I experienced my phantom death when I was very ill.  My kundalini had activated and I was unable to move, sleep, and barely eat for two months.  My crown chakra hurt intensely and I was in great pain.  As I laid in pain I felt death around me and for a split second I’m sure I did die.  I would say I had experienced an exit point and I was given a choice to leave or stay.  I decided to stay but soon after the person I had always been began to demand great change and so everything in my life altered.

Steve Rother has released a great video about ascension symptoms and I would encourage you to watch it.  There are so many symptoms more than I have listed here.  Know that others are experiencing these symptoms as well and it is all for a great cause.  Your evolution.

Valentine St Aubyn

My ascension nightmare and how I got to where I am now Part II

Depiction of the pineal gland as a pine cone. Note the snakes rising around the spinal cord moving up towards the pineal gland in the brain.

Well, the new energies have certainly been hitting me in big ways.  November so far has been quite a transitional month  and not an easy one for me and with it I have been battling with a new round of ascension symptoms.  However, today I am feeling better and I would like to continue with the second part of my post.  If you have not read ‘My ascension nightmare and how I got to where I am Part I’ you may want to drop in and read this first.  For those of you who have here is part II.

So, let us rewind for just a minute and I will take you back a few years before we move on to the summer of 2007.  In the last post I described to you my account and experience of a kundalini release.  It wasn’t pretty and it completely uprooted every area of my life.  As the planet is ascending the vibration of the planet is lifting due to the influx of energies being pumped into the universe.  Many of us whether we are into new age spirituality or not are feeling some very strange side effects.  Anxiety is the most common effect people are experiencing which brings on intense fear, we feel this because we are being forced to face ourselves and get to the root of our behaviourial patterns that do not serve our highest good.  When my anxiety was at its worst my hands and body constantly shook and I would often hide my hands out of sheer embarrassment.   It is becoming more common for people to experience spontaneous kundalini releases without even having to try, however, I do believe you will go through some physical preparations such as extreme anxiety and  insomnia as the body prepares itself.  Nevertheless, even if someone has had a kundalini release not everyone will experience what I have previously described.  When my husband experienced his kundalini release, he developed kundalini flu which brought on alot of pain in his crown chakra and he felt like he was on fire for about 24 hours and then he got better.  After that, it was over.  He developed the ringing in his ears soon after but did not got the loud siren effects like I did.

So why was my kundalini release so difficult?  This I do not know, and I am still trying to find the answers as there is so much to learn with all of this.  If you read Karen Bishop’s account of her awakening or Lisa Renee they too discuss a not so pleasant experience.   But, I do believe some of us will experience very strange symptoms as our kundalini releases and our pineal glands get activated.

I will say that I do not believe that my kundalini release was as spontaneous as I first believed. When I begin to look at the progression I went through I noticed a big change in myself towards the end of 1999 going into 2000. During this time I began experiencing extreme anxiety.  I was constantly anxious, I could not sleep, I had constant panic attacks and I became more and more nervous as the years went on.  From 2001-2003 I wrote Zoe Evans’ Possible Worlds the Crystal which acted as a great cathartic escape for me.   I  found myself channelling content for the book that I did not fully understand until my kundalini release and spiritual awakening years later.  By 2003, I realised that I needed help and so I went to see a hypnotherapist.  I did intense clearing work from 2003 until 2006 reliving all of the not so happy memories of my past and clearing them from my energy field.   I began to feel better but the panic attacks still lingered as did the insomnia.  My hypnotherapist suggested that I meditate on a regular basis which would help to calm my nerves.  So I did, I meditated for about 20 minutes three to four times a week from 2003 until 2007.  So when my kundalini released in the summer of 2007  I was catapulted into extreme anxiety once again and psychosis which I had never experienced before and I was completely shocked.  I had been doing so much work on myself, clearing and releasing so why was this happening to me?

chakraconesAs in the Matrix when Neo is faced with the choice of taking the blue or the red pill Kundalini release, ascension, spiritual awakening, however you would like to describe the process will without a doubt shatter your current perceptions about everything.  As my body cleared away all of the junk and debris of my past including any negative karmic patterns within my auric field, I was ready to be activated by the new energies that were being pumped into the solar system.  I had lifted my vibration to such a level that these new energies vibrated within my DNA which signalled it was time for activation.  The kundalini energy in my body and my pineal gland began to go to work.  The ancients have always known about the power of the pineal gland or third eye. So have the Vatican  and the masonic orders wich is a scary thought.  To gain higher levels of consciousness it is necessary for the pineal gland to be activated as it controls the the third eye.   The pineal gland is within the brain and effects what is perceived through the physical eyes and the senses.  It is the bridge and regulates awareness between the physical and spiritual worlds.  When the pineal gland is activated your perceptions and programming change. It is the gateway to higher knowledge and opening to the psychic realms.

When the pineal gland is activated a numbing sensation, or heaviness is felt in the base of the brain when you feel this know that great things are happening.  You will also feel the pouring of energy coming through the top of your head through the crown chakra as it activates the pineal gland, and you will get a buzzing or ringing in the ear as the energies swirl around.  Sometimes the sound can be loud and sometimes it is soft but it is best described as white noise.

So when my kundalini released my body became a christmas tree lit up with electrical currents running through all of  its channels.  I could no longer be the person I was it was time to change.  From August 2007 until January 2008 I went through an accelerated learning curve spiritually. I wanted to learn as much as I could and information came flying at me from every direction.  I was in constant pain as my crown chakra took in all of the new light and energy and I felt like an outsider from the 3-D world as my pineal gland had been activated and everything around me looked strange visually.  The ringing in my ears was loud but began to get quieter as the months went by.  I have always been into spirtual and metaphysical subjects, I have a degree in Philosophy, and I found a couple of books on my bookshelf on healing using crystals.  I could not remeber buying these books but nevertheless they were there.  I also found a book I had on healing using natural remedies such as flower remedies and decided to heal myself as my doctor was of no help whatsoever.    His answer to my health problems was to put me on anti-depressants which I flatly refused.   I also had a couple of sessions of acupuncture that helped me tremendously and the visual problems I had of everything looking flat and blurry eased with each session as my third eye began to reopen fully.  Everything around me looked different when I regained my vision it was if a new sense of vision was given to me.  I finally began to sleep better by November 2007 with the aid of prescription sleeping pills but I would only sleep for about 2 hours and then lay awake for another 2 hours this would go on all through the night every night for months.  My body was being downloaded with energy, information, light and I would lay in bed and feel my whole body literally shake and vibrate as the kundalini moved up, down and through my chakra system.  I was constantly hot and at night sweat would drop off of me and strangely I began to see number sequences such as 11:11, 9:11, 5:55, and on and on flashing on the clock.  In December 2007 I experienced the phantom death phase, I literally felt myself die.  I said good-bye to my husband expecting to physically die as I felt myself completely detaching from 3-d reality.  I did not die, but I certainly did not return to the old 3-D world I was born into.

I did not learn what had truly happened to me until January 2008 when I stumbled upon a channeling from Kryon and a spiritual forum that helped me greatly, and then I realised there was a whole community of people going through the same thing as me.  What a relief, I hadn’t been going crazy I was just experiencing a spiritual awakening.

In part III I will discuss the astrology of my kundalini release and spiritual awakening, as my whole life began to fall apart.

Valentine St Aubyn

My ascension nightmare and how I got to where I am now Part I

Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning either “coiled up” or “coiling like a snake.” There are a number of other translations of the term usually emphasizing a more serpent nature to the word – e.g. ‘serpent power’

This is my first attempt to discuss the shocking changes my body
encountered beginning in August 2007.  At the time and for several months after I did not know what was happening to me and I did not begin to learn that I had experienced a kundalini release until early 2008.  If you search the web you will find a great amount of content relating to kundalini.  It is a term widely available within new age spiritual circles and is no longer the secret that it once was, that is in these circles.  The sad reality is that the experience of kundalini is a big part of human consciouness and the astrological timing of kundalini events are often triggered by generational aspects that we all go through ie. midlife crisis, menopause for women etc.  So, why do we not know more about it as our bodies naturally have a time clock to signal the kundalini release?  David Wilcock has given a very good lecture about this very subject and shows that the Vatican is  aware of the power of kundalini and has for centuries kept the mystical side of their interests secret yet parading it through symbolism in our faces.  As usual, there are many in the know that do not want us to know but with more of us now experiencing kundalini experiences at a younger age the cat is beginning to get out of the bag.

In times past it was said that kundalini awakening, that is the release of the kundalini energy, takes place when a soul is ready to be initiated.  A certain level of spiritual maturation needs to be in place to allow the energy to uncoil itself and begin its ascent through the body to begin the process of cleansing all of the chakra centres over and over.  Spiritual maturation  usually occurs in the mid forties to early fifties which takes place just when an individual is beginning to learn that there is more to life than what they have traditionally been taught.  But now as the human race begins its journey towards the new energies of the Aquarian Age spiritual maturation is happening at a faster and younger rate.  In addition, the energies that are being pumped into our solar system have been unconsciously releasing kundalini in many people whether they are ready for it or not hence producing what is commonly termed as ascension symptoms.

It has now been over two years since the kundalini energy uncoiled and released itself in my body and my life has been turned upside down and all around. A Kundalini release is often described as spiritual bliss and a journey of becoming one with the universe.  Unfortunately for me I did not feel any spiritual bliss just sheer terror because I didn’t know what had happened to me. 

My Kundalini Release

It was the 17th August 2007.  It began with me becoming short of breath and feeling extremely unbalanced and then within a second I felt like I was outside of reality looking in.  It felt like someone had turned me and everything around me inside out.  I was frightened and I didn’t know what to do.  At work I had been experiencing severe bullying by a manager I had worked for,  and at first I thought I had an anxiety attack due to all of the stress I was undergoing but I soon realised this was not an anxiety attack this was something else.  I was not in any state to go to work I could barely stand, and within 24 hours I had become a nervous wreck.  I couldn’t sleep at all not even for an hour.  I felt like someone had plugged me into an electrical outlet and left me to fry.  After the first couple of days of being in this state I finally got a sinking feeling that something was wrong and that I would never be the same again, little did I know just how true that was.  

After a few days I began to get a loud ringing in my head which was constant.  The sound was similar to a loud buzzing sound that had a high pitch to it.  It was very loud and unnerving.  My head also hurt and it was beyond any headache I had ever experienced I was just in extreme pain.  And just when I believed that things couldn’t get worst my vision  became extremely blurred.  I could barely see and visually everything looked flattened and I felt like I was trapped in a hellish nightmare.  I am one of those annoying people who are always cold.  I have always had naturally cold hands and feet so when I began feeling constantly hot and sweating I realised that I was not myself at all.  My insomina also kicked into high gear and I have suffered with it very badly throughout my adult life.  I stopped sleeping completely, I couldn’t sleep I was hot, my head felt like it was going to explode as it was being bombarded with prickly energy and I felt incredibly anxious.  I was also frightened because I was no longer in the space and time I knew.  Within a week I became a ghostly shell of myself.  I had to go on sick leave from work because I could not function.  By the end of the second week I knew I needed help badly but I didn’t know who or where I could go. 

In part II I will discuss how I managed to balance out my body and survive my kundalini release putting me on a new journey of self discovery.

Valentine St Aubyn