The coming of Niburu fact or fiction?

Well, we’re coming into the crunch time and everybody who has an idea about what 2012 and beyond will bring is putting their two pence into the pot.  As always it’s up to you to follow your intuition and allow your guidance to point you in the right direction.  For me, I’ve been following the science which has been flagging up some very hard to swallow truths.  Scientists have been coming together more and more to disown the global warming theory.  Yes, we are not helping the planet by using dead resources such as oil, or damaging energy sources such as nuclear power but the geological record time and time again has proven that we go through warming cycles within our climate and greenhouse gases were not the cause in the past.  What the scientists won’t tell you is the real reason for the extreme weather conditions we are currently experiencing, because to tell you the cause they have to introduce a few concepts to you that will change your whole belief system.

There is enough data that has been collated by NASA and others to determine that it is not just our planet that is heating up it is the whole solar system, and also our galaxy.  I have written about this in previous posts so you might want to check out a few of them if you would like further information.  What the scientists have been noticing that they are afraid to tell us is that the sun is doing very strange things, and it is the main cause for the increase in vibration and the heating up of our solar system.  The why in this instance is the hard fact to swallow. 

We are now entering into a volatile solar flare cycle and it has already begun.  Scientists have said that they are expecting this cycle to reach its maximum in 2012 and 2013.  They are very concerned of the effects it will have on our society as we are literally a victim of our modernisation.  Solar flares emit electromagnetic energy and they can have damaging effects on us and also on our modern gadgets.  Many of the ascension symptoms we have been experiencing is due to the rise of electromagnetic energy from the solar flares from the sun.  I feel if you are experiencing ascension symptoms then that is good, because your body is trying to find a way to assimilate the energy into your body.  Which means you will be physically able to handle the rise in electromagnetic radiation which is a symptom of the solar flares and remain here on this planet safely. Unfortunately, our modern equipment such as cars, computers, atm machines, power grids cannot just update themselves and so becomes very vulnerable to the sun’s solar flares.

In addition to the solar flares the strange anomalies in the sun are also being caused by a body that is entering into our solar system. This body seems to orbit our sun every 3,600 years and is due to make an appearance around 2013 or 2014.  In  1983 NASA sent a satellite to investigate the theory of a missing planet that orbits outside of our solar system. It is believed that they found the evidence they were looking for and noted that there was something mysterious out there.  How they originally knew about Planet X comes from our ancient past and the Sumerians.  The Sumerians knew about this missing planet and have recorded its location in the famous picture above.  They called it Nibiru.  If you want to learn more about Niburu or planet X, and also more about NASA’s research then please follow the link I have provided which gives an array of information presented by Jason Bartell.

I’ve recently come across further information about the passing of Nibiru which I believe is important to know.  Major Ed Dames is an experienced remote viewer and worked on classified projects for the American government for many years.  His track record of correct hits is phenomenal and includes the correct prediction of the Japanese earthquake which hit on March 11, 2011 and a serious event involving one of its reactors back in 2003 on Japanese television.  I think it’s safe to say that he knows what he is doing.  He is very sure that a body, Nibiru or Planet X, is on a trajectory course into our solar system and as it aligns with our sun it will cause a series of killer solar flares, which he calls the killshot.  He offers a free DVD, you only have to pay for the post.  I would highly recommend you get a copy.  He has often appeared on Coast to Coast AM and you can hear his past interviews there as well.

I offer all of this information to you for you to research for yourselves.   Whatever is coming our way it is better to be prepared than be in ignorance.  There is no need to be in fear, so stay positive.  If we want to see this new world begin well we have to be willing to go with the good and the bad.  We know that earthquakes and volcanoes or HAARP related events will continue to grow in intensity over the next few years so we cannot sit innocently and say that everything will be fine.  Clearly, there are many people who will be losing their lives.  We just need to use our common sense.  If we live by the coast or close to a fault line be prepared to move quickly and listen to your guidance.  You will get very few warnings from the media.

Here are some interesting videos you should see:

Dr Michio Kaku, Theoretical physicist, warning about the solar cycle we are currently in.

A video highlighting Major Ed Dames prediction about the Japanese earthquake and a nuclear reactor being damaged.

No you are not crazy it’s just the energies of August

Feeling unbalanced, a bit paranoid, tearful, tired, exhausted, fed up?  Feeling like your life is on the verge of change but nothing has happened yet? Well, you’re not alone and this is the reality for many of us at the moment.  Last week I spent most of the hours of the day fighting extreme fatigue.  When I feel like this I know something big is on its way.  Yes, there are zones of conflict in the midst of turmoil as we speak.  The floods of Pakistan, the forest fires in Russia and Portugal and the continuing saga of the oil ‘disaster’ which is not being reported accurately by any means are just a few events that have kicked in since the cardinal cross at the beginning of the month began.  But as August opened we have also been inundated with new energies as the solar flare cycle which has been quiet for quite some time re-emerged firing off a massive ejection.  This only means one thing, new coded information is being hurled towards us and these energies have to be assimilated into our bodies and if I may add our conciousness which governs how we see, feel, and react.  I feel that August will be a month of incubation although a fiery seclusion waiting to burst.  And that all of these energies will climax which has been the theory all along but I believe we will have to wait until September and October before the fireworks go off. Which most likely will occur when Pluto awakens from its slumber in mid-September.  So be forwarned.

So if you have been having a hard time this month know it will pass and that you are not alone.  There are many shifts and changes going on in our lives at this time.  Endings are never easy but with every ending there is always a beginning.  I would like to leave you with the latest astrological weather report from Anne Ortelee who describes what we are currently experiencing very well.  I love the way she writes and she describes the energy of the moment so well.

Take care, Valentine.

Weekly Weather August 16, 2010

Our Cardinal T-square perfects this week, culminating in moments of choice for each of us. T-squares are crossroads in the heavens, asking us to make choices and choose our path. A three point heavenly cross guides us as we choose our next direction and head off towards our life. Often we come to a profound realization about ourselves during heavenly cross roads.

This cross road is a bit bigger than most others have been. There are 5 outer planets, which are societal and life direction planets, changing signs and starting new journeys. When the planet change signs, we change down here on earth too. As above, so below. As without, so within. We live in an interconnected world and universe where the symbolism and synchronicity interplay in our lives across time and space.

I always laugh and love it when some one asks me if I really believe in astrology. I reply “Of course I do. And YOU believe in astrology too! Even if you actually don’t realize it.” Asked to explain, often with a scowl on their face, (translated as: How dare I suggest that THEY believe in Astrology?), I reply “Well the Sun affects your behavior ~ you wear a coat in winter and sweat in the summer ~ just as the Sun impacts all life and causes the seasonal cycles of everything on earth. And the Moon makes the tides of the ocean move as well as the tides of water within you. The OCEAN! The Moon moves the Ocean! So if those TWO bodies have such a profound impact on us down here on earth, how can we ignore the other bodies up there?” And I smile sweetly, often with a giggle added, just for extra emphasis as in ~ you silly, you never thought of THAT before did you?

Weeks like the past few and the one to come, just affirm my understanding of the cycles and impact of same. We Virgos LOVE a good system for categorizing and organizing things. So forward we go to the t-square culmination that we’ve been waiting for! Our next chapter awaits us ~ as the heavens present us with a moment of choice.

But first a word of caution. I’ve had a few clients call with recent suicides in their lives, particularly that first week in August when Mars was so active. This is a big week for feeling you can’t take it a moment more and acting on it too. Another big suicide week. Soooooo, IF you know someone who has been having a particularly hard time lately, take the time to give them a call and talk to them. Let them know that this week is particularly hard energetically. And that all the difficult energy will start to abate after the weekend. However, THIS week will be tough so you want them to know you love them and would like to help in any way you can. They know you believe in that astrology stuff ~ and in a secret part of their being, they resonate to it (even if they don’t admit it on the surface or to your face). Heck, you always get the problems that happen during a Mercury retrograde right!

So encourage them to make NO PERMANENT decisions or final solutions to their problems to the extent possible. No acting out their inner Mel Gibsons or Steven Slaters, even if they really, really want to deploy the emergency exit chute while chugging a beer. And if they mention they are thinking of killing themselves or killing some one else, talk to them, all night long if need be. Get them help. Take it SERIOUSLY! This is the week when they will act on it. If they are thinking they are having a nervous breakdown, take them to the hospital. If some one is stalking or threatening someone you know, encourage the person to get OUT of their normal life routines for the week. And to be careful. No points for bravery. No cavalier dismissing it as foolishness. Take care of yourself and others this week.

I hate to be an alarmist astrologer but some weeks are rougher than others. This week we have Jupiter opposing Saturn for the second time and Saturn squaring Pluto for the third time. Saturn/ Pluto is a terrorist aspect. Jupiter /Saturn is separating hardship, endings and structure from the good times and sense of optimism. The planets are in signs that are CARDINAL so they like to take action! And Uranus is at the crazy making degree of 29 Pisces, where the boundaries between illusion and delusion are very, very frayed and fragile. We need to take good care of each other this week.

Essentially, we will all be fighting or arguing with the principle of being our own authority, growing up and being the adult in the room. Part of us wants to be a big kid and stomp our feet. Part of us knows we have to grow up now. Jupiter and Pluto are both Saturn’s kids. The kids are fighting with Dad, or the authority ~ perceived, believed, real or unreal, in their lives. We will be struggling with our own ideas of authority too. How grown up are we really? How much of us is still 5 and wanting to be comforted? We have to comfort ourselves this week.

Mercury stations to go retrograde after setting off the t-square by declination aspect which finds him siding with Saturn and fighting with Uranus and Jupiter. So expect unexpected news that is rather shocking. Sun opposes Neptune and Chiron so the sense of illusion or the dream dissolves and you see things clearly that you may not have seen before. Both Venus and Mars have hard aspects to Neptune and Chiron too. In their case, the planets of desire and action are in a stressful place of needing to take action to find relief. And they are working together to start a new cycle right as all the other planets are collapsing in piles of exhaustion.

So take care of yourself. Take care of your loved ones. Get extra nurturing. Get your self extra support if your old addictions come a’ calling with all the tension in the sky. One of the things I noticed in the Steven Slater story was the reference to 12 steps and sobriety on his Face book page and the reporting that he grabbed a beer as he made his exit down the emergency slide after a very, very bad day at work. It is a VERY easy time to slip back into old destructive ways of nurturing yourself so be careful to get yourself extra support if you find yourself tempted.

And in a week it will be all over! If the financial markets are going to collapse, this is the week. So fingers crossed (and toes too) we all make it to the other side. I am rooting for you! And you need to root for you too. And make sure to root for the people in your life who need rooting for! We are all in this beautiful world together for a reason. And what a ride eh? Clear those cobwebs and fears! Full steam ahead to the next chapter!


Monday August 16 Moon in Scorpio kicks up some intense energy as the Sun has an aspect of brilliance. Moon has nice closing aspects of a trine to Uranus offering creative energy to draw upon. Make sure to note your dreams or great ideas upon awakening. Venus argues with the principle of health and healing shifting her energy to other areas. Be careful not to indulge in bad old behaviors today. Extra emotions abound as Jupiter approaches his opposition with Saturn. Fights with authorities…. Hmmm. Mars squares the nodes offering us the opportunity to choose up or down, good or bad, left or right, whining and crying or growing up. Or maybe a bit of both? It is a choice day. Jupiter opposes Saturn part two of three. Back to May 23rd, when they opposed each other for the first time. Their third time is March 28, 2011. Part two of the opposition asks you to focus on the project you began in May 28, 2000 when they joined at 22 Taurus to begin a new cycle. It calls to mind December 17, 2005, June 22, 2006 and October 25, 2006 when they squared each other, testing whether this was the right choice for you. Now, as they oppose each other, think about the changes you want or need to make to move your life and life’s work forward.

Tuesday August 17 Moon in Sagittarius answers to Jupiter, recently bruised after his fight yesterday with Saturn. The closing aspect is a square to Uranus suggesting separating energy that pushes you to a new place or wants to end a situation. It is a rocking and rolling day as there are numerous aspects in the heavens. Venus erupts with passion and moves rapidly affecting emotions, finances and desires. Mars links up with Eris, the Goddess of Discord to produce some mighty irritated and irritable energy. We are all cranky! Don’t take action if it is destructive. And most actions will be destructive. Be aware the desire is to go nuclear. And quickly. Will that actually HELP the situation? Venus, the principle of love, money and caring is deeply wounded today as she links up with Chiron. She also reaches the end of her proverbial rope. She’s frustrated and angry. Old wounds can be opened. Look at the wounds. Apply astringent. Clear it out. Clean it out. It is YOUR wound, but it existed in your soul to create the life you have. It will never go away but it can be nurtured back into silence or quiet. If you think about it, your wound actually helped you become who you are today. Wounds exist for a reason. Try to understand the reason. I know it hurts but that is the way to clarity.

Wednesday August 18 Moon in Sagittarius continues to push the energy forward passionately. Venus squares the nodes today offering her the same choice Mars had to make on Monday. Be careful not to operate out of your wound. What do you love? Is this situation part of getting you clear on what you want to create in your life? Maybe not with the person or situation standing right before you but it is something you want or need just the same. Be clear. Be brave. Hold your own hand. Support your self. Support your dream. Make a clear choice that supports your desire and life path. Don’t choose out of fear of your wound! Don’t act out of fear of or from your wound! Mars has an ending energy today as he has stresses and agonizes about the decision(s) before him. No permanent endings with knives, guns, jumps or pills! This is a decision time but not time for PERMANENT decisions. Caution around words as things can “end” today. Mars is fighting mad but also boxing against or with smoke and steam. What he is fighting is actually a figment or illusory battle of and in his own mind. Mars is building up a head of steam to take action. Try and reason with him. Or move out of his way. Be careful today. Take precautions. Even if YOU are crystal clear and paying attention, the OTHER guy can be totally out of his or her mind. Caution on angry encounters. Mars has a booster rocket on him today ~ and can be just as explosive. Sex can be completely amazing but there is a strong level of fantasy to all actions taken today so be aware of that as a subset of the energy. While it might look like an amazing partnership, reality is right around the corner. Mercury links up with Saturn by declination and receives very difficult news. Go home and pull the covers over your head (if you can) or call your support people. Relationships can end or transform today.

Thursday August 19 Moon in Capricorn brings us down to reality, with a loud bump. Mercury is slowing to a stop in the sky. Moon goes through the t-square ~ Capricorn Moon can be a critical and difficult energy today as we find the flaw or problem rather than the good parts. Our t-square is triggered yet again. Sun faces a stressful choice as it aspects the Nodes. The power of a booster rocket sets off Venus and her energy today as she too faces off and dissolves the illusions fostered by Neptune. It is NOT okay. There IS a problem! High emotions rule the day. Sun pushes for hope but Mars joins with powerful destructive energy today by declination. War? Collapses? Chaos? Something mighty, mighty big. Mercury fights with Uranus by declination. Words can cause endings, separations, chaos and changes today. Mercury is stopping in the sky as these aspects occur making the words even more powerful and potent. Sun has about had it with these difficult energies and wants to pull the plug on the situation. A great day for firings and break ups and crashes and collapses. The structure just can’t hold it together any more. Pluto asks us to take a new approach to partnerships that are not working for us any more. People can get on your last nerve. Remember the good times when you are feeling like lashing out. This is a transit. They are having crappy stuff on their side too.

Friday August 20 Moon in Capricorn receives a trine from stationing Mercury today. Mercury stopped in the heavens forces us all to look with new eyes at the dawning of a new day where everything is changed. Our souls feel enormous needs to stretch out and relieve the stress even as we feel more building within our being. Sun opposes Neptune so the clarity begins to break through the fog. We will start to see things clearly. This is what the crossroads was for in YOUR life. The moment of clearness arrives ~ or starts to arrive. High emotions move things rapidly. Venus fights with the Goddess of the Sea, Sedna, asking us to understand the role of our interconnected world. The oceans roar as emotions swirl. Mars and Venus both sesquiquadrate Chiron, opening old wounds, causing us to feel a bit ill perhaps. Chiron at the last degrees of Aquarius reminds us that we are all members of the same tribe, like it or not. What happens to one can happen to all. Venus joins with Mars today an hour before Mercury stations retrograde. Venus/ Mars square the Node and form a Hammer of Thor with Neptune and Chiron. Our beliefs and understanding of our world will be forever altered by the events of today. Our pattern of reality is changing before our eyes.

Saturn day August 21 Saturn squares Pluto in the early morning hours, finishing the third of three squares. The first was November 15 2009, the second was January 31, 2010 and the third is today. This is a terrorist or war aspect. It is active when ever we are experiencing terrorist activity. Moon is in deep places all day long allowing us to emotionally process the events of the last week. Sun opposes Chiron, activating the fears and wounds but also offering us an opportunity to take action and heal. Saturn forms a contraparallel aspect with Uranus which is mighty powerful for transformation and shifting of reality. We break free in a way we never have before. We break down in a way we never have before. Once we break, we can begin to heal. Vesta’s square says time will heal all and time will heal nothing. Some things can never heal.

Sunday August 22 Moon in Aquarius allows us to detach and move up 20,000 feet to get a better view of what is actually going on. Moon has helpful aspects as she goes through the t-square and attempts to make sense of what is going on. Sun is inconjunct Uranus asking us to adjust and find stability. Astraea, the asteroid of hygiene, cleanliness and astringency, crystal clear vision stations to go retrograde. We pucker a bit, like biting into a juicy lemon. It stings but also feels good. The energy starts to separate and abate. Relief is right around the corner.

Copyright © 2010 A. C. Ortelee

It’s not just the planet that is heating up it’s the whole solar system..

solar eruption from the sun

Everywhere you read scientists, specialists and those in the know talk about global warming.  Former Vice President Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his effort in presenting to the public the factual data in ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ that our planet is indeed heating up and does so through natural cycles.  At the time the Bush Administration vehemently denied these claims causing an already confused public to become even more confused about the issue.  It is true that we are not helping the situation by adding our carbon footprints to mother earth. But many studies have now proven that our current addiction to fossil fuels is not the only thing causing disharmony to our natural ecosystem.  What scientists and Al Gore do not tell you is that there is a cover up going on.

Let’s start with the main players such as NASA, who know many things but keep much hidden.  Evidence has been pointing to the increasing probality that not only is the planet heating up but so is our solar system and over the last few years these claims have been substantiated with factual data to prove the naysayers wrong.  Russian Scientists who are very much at the cutting edge of metaphysical and consciousness studies have also been leading the way with their scientific findings.  If you follow this link to a very useful article you will read some of the evidence that has been previously presented, David Wilcock has also been doing a considerable amount of research in this area and his findings can be found on his website.

So what does this all mean for us?  Well, this is where it gets interesting.  As the Solar System heats itself it is changing the energetic vibration on planet earth.  Enter 2012 the dreaded year that so many believe is the end of the world.  Hollywood’s latest disaster movie 2012 will cause more trouble than good by putting fear into the minds of many after watching the movie.  Yes, there is a definite change coming but it’s not the end of the world and quite frankly it started almost ten years ago in 1998.  2012 will just be another year along the timeline and I’m sure some spectacular things will occur but nothing like what doomsdayers are trying to propose. 

So the evidence clealy points towards the fact that the solar system is warming up and the sun storm activity that had been extremely intense during 2000-2006 certainly did have a purpose.  The purpose is that it has filled our planet with massive amounts of magneticism, electricity, and charged particles and our DNA responds to these intense beams of light that are flooding our world.universe  These are where the ascension symptoms come in.  As  our solar system ascends and loses its density pumping in more cosmic energy through solar sun storms it makes our bodies react in strange ways.  We are all connected here on earth and through the cosmos what happens above happens below.  So if you’ve been experiencing funny sensations like numbing headaches, blurred vision, vertigo, anxiety, sleeplessness, seeing number sequences like 11:11 or 9:11 and others or if your life has been falling apart beyond disbelief then know you are right on track with the universe.

Valentine St Aubyn