The coming of Niburu fact or fiction?

Well, we’re coming into the crunch time and everybody who has an idea about what 2012 and beyond will bring is putting their two pence into the pot.  As always it’s up to you to follow your intuition and allow your guidance to point you in the right direction.  For me, I’ve been following the science which has been flagging up some very hard to swallow truths.  Scientists have been coming together more and more to disown the global warming theory.  Yes, we are not helping the planet by using dead resources such as oil, or damaging energy sources such as nuclear power but the geological record time and time again has proven that we go through warming cycles within our climate and greenhouse gases were not the cause in the past.  What the scientists won’t tell you is the real reason for the extreme weather conditions we are currently experiencing, because to tell you the cause they have to introduce a few concepts to you that will change your whole belief system.

There is enough data that has been collated by NASA and others to determine that it is not just our planet that is heating up it is the whole solar system, and also our galaxy.  I have written about this in previous posts so you might want to check out a few of them if you would like further information.  What the scientists have been noticing that they are afraid to tell us is that the sun is doing very strange things, and it is the main cause for the increase in vibration and the heating up of our solar system.  The why in this instance is the hard fact to swallow. 

We are now entering into a volatile solar flare cycle and it has already begun.  Scientists have said that they are expecting this cycle to reach its maximum in 2012 and 2013.  They are very concerned of the effects it will have on our society as we are literally a victim of our modernisation.  Solar flares emit electromagnetic energy and they can have damaging effects on us and also on our modern gadgets.  Many of the ascension symptoms we have been experiencing is due to the rise of electromagnetic energy from the solar flares from the sun.  I feel if you are experiencing ascension symptoms then that is good, because your body is trying to find a way to assimilate the energy into your body.  Which means you will be physically able to handle the rise in electromagnetic radiation which is a symptom of the solar flares and remain here on this planet safely. Unfortunately, our modern equipment such as cars, computers, atm machines, power grids cannot just update themselves and so becomes very vulnerable to the sun’s solar flares.

In addition to the solar flares the strange anomalies in the sun are also being caused by a body that is entering into our solar system. This body seems to orbit our sun every 3,600 years and is due to make an appearance around 2013 or 2014.  In  1983 NASA sent a satellite to investigate the theory of a missing planet that orbits outside of our solar system. It is believed that they found the evidence they were looking for and noted that there was something mysterious out there.  How they originally knew about Planet X comes from our ancient past and the Sumerians.  The Sumerians knew about this missing planet and have recorded its location in the famous picture above.  They called it Nibiru.  If you want to learn more about Niburu or planet X, and also more about NASA’s research then please follow the link I have provided which gives an array of information presented by Jason Bartell.

I’ve recently come across further information about the passing of Nibiru which I believe is important to know.  Major Ed Dames is an experienced remote viewer and worked on classified projects for the American government for many years.  His track record of correct hits is phenomenal and includes the correct prediction of the Japanese earthquake which hit on March 11, 2011 and a serious event involving one of its reactors back in 2003 on Japanese television.  I think it’s safe to say that he knows what he is doing.  He is very sure that a body, Nibiru or Planet X, is on a trajectory course into our solar system and as it aligns with our sun it will cause a series of killer solar flares, which he calls the killshot.  He offers a free DVD, you only have to pay for the post.  I would highly recommend you get a copy.  He has often appeared on Coast to Coast AM and you can hear his past interviews there as well.

I offer all of this information to you for you to research for yourselves.   Whatever is coming our way it is better to be prepared than be in ignorance.  There is no need to be in fear, so stay positive.  If we want to see this new world begin well we have to be willing to go with the good and the bad.  We know that earthquakes and volcanoes or HAARP related events will continue to grow in intensity over the next few years so we cannot sit innocently and say that everything will be fine.  Clearly, there are many people who will be losing their lives.  We just need to use our common sense.  If we live by the coast or close to a fault line be prepared to move quickly and listen to your guidance.  You will get very few warnings from the media.

Here are some interesting videos you should see:

Dr Michio Kaku, Theoretical physicist, warning about the solar cycle we are currently in.

A video highlighting Major Ed Dames prediction about the Japanese earthquake and a nuclear reactor being damaged.