Understanding Astrology

Aurora Borealis or Northern lights hitting Earth's atmosphere

I have often had people ask me over the years if Astrology is real.  I completely understand why many do not believe it is real as a conscious effort from those in the know have worked dilligently to discredit this ancient science. Although many do not realise it Astrology is a science that is based on mathematical precision.  It is also a metaphysical science as its proof can be seen through the energetic matrix that is present on this planet.  We feed into this energetic matrix and upon birth infuse ‘cosmic codes’ into our DNA that can be read through the astrological chart.  A very good way of proving this energetic matrix can be seen in the Aurora Borealis.  In this instance, we can see with the physical eye the flow of energy coming off of the planets and sun into our dimensional fabric.  We then breathe this energy into ourselves as it permeates through everything around us.  This is how Astrology works on the mundane level.  It is simply a system of energetics computed through Mathematical precision and interpreted through a graph like structure, the natal wheel.

Up until the 20th Century Astrology was a part of Astronomy and was practiced alongside one another.  Kepler practiced Astrology as have many others such as Karl Jung, the father of modern Psychology and student of Freud.  Of course astronomers today have the power in naming new bodies that are found in our Galaxy.  When the recently discovered planet Sedna was named Astrologers began to feel very in tune with the energy this planet carried and felt that the right name was given.  Sedna is an Innuit Godess who protects the oceans. Interesting that this planet was discovered at a crucial time when we have been so focused on our oceans and the life forms such as polar bears, and penguins who get their sustenance from it. This is the beauty of Astrology and there is no coincidence here just a reminder that we are all feeding from a collective consciousness that is joined whether we are aware of it or not.

So what can Astrology do for us?  Many Astrologers may have different ideas about what Astrology should be used for.  Should it be used for predictive purposes, psychoanalysis, predicting world events?  There will always be divisions in this respect but one thing is for sure it can help you understand what is going on in your life.  What lessons you have come into this incarnation to work on, and why some of the main players in your life act the way they do.  It is a great tool for learning and helps one discover themselves.

We are now in a period of great change.  There is a shift of energy that is arriving onto this planet which many have termed Ascension.  More and more of us are having spontaneous kundalini awakenings as our bodies transmute its old carbon blueprint into a more crystalline base.  It is just not our planet that is ascending or lifting vibration it is our whole solar system and galaxy.  The heating up of our planet has alot more to do with metaphysical pheneomena than the emission of carbon gases.  NASA is well aware of this fact and has been gathering overwhelming data to confirm that something within the energetic backdrop of Earth and our solar system is changing.  Again, this information is being witheld from the public keeping people in a fog of ignorance but eventually many more people due to the increasing vibrational energies will awaken as strange symptoms of anxiety, fatigue and illness will become and harder and harder to ignore.

So, we can use Astrology to help us through these changing times ahead.  The planet Pluto is now in Capricorn which rules structures, and government.  We are in for some tough times financially and are only in the early stages of this great change.  There is no reason to fear this change just arm yourself with knowledge and be flexible with the changes that will occur around all of us. This summer things will definitely heat up and it will continue well into 2011 and the next few years due to the well known cardinal climax that is being discussed by many astrologers. The upcoming transits of Uranus and Pluto squaring off will also unlodge a great deal taking us into revolutionary territory.  Stay grounded and know that new beginnings are on the way and Astrology can help inform all of us to understand what these new beginnings represent.

Valentine St Aubyn

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